Wow summer is finally over & I am back in New York!
I had an AMAZING summer with my friends & family.
Home is truly where the heart is, but the time comes when I have to get back on my grind & get my music finished!
Times Square |
For the past two weeks I have just been singing non stop, getting back in shape & working.
Very soon I'll be in the studio!
Can't wait, I'm so excited & I'll make sure to keep updating!
Got this message the other day on Facebook from a girl who saw me perform at The Tramore Fest in Ireland! (I didn't include her name for obvious reasons) Anyway I thought it was REALLY sweet so I decided to share it!! Appreciate all of the support.
hey lisa,girl from tra fest
you keep f*cking rocking it
- u r unreal
- you got it all hun
- u got the balls
- you got the looks
- and
- more then anything you got the talent
- dont ever give up babe
- i did what you did bout 5 yrs ago
- i looooooooooooooove to sing
- and write my own songs
- but i gave up
- travelled
- and now i forget how to get it back
- but when i saw you,you amazed me
- for real
- and u added me
- i remember thinking when i saw you
- she is gonna me MASSIVE
- d only person that will stop you
- is you
- so just dont ever stop
- ever
- you will get there.f*ck the haters f*ck the bullies you have f*cking work it girl
- u know you have it so just go for it.dont let it go.i honestly except to see your name in shiny lights
- go get it girl
- peace
- x